
Empowering Residents To Manage Sustainably

What Is The Green Streets Stewardship Program?

The Green Streets Stewardship Program promotes sustainable stormwater management through the long-term care of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). It aims to educate residents and community groups on the function and value GSI. But more importantly, it seeks to empower residents and community groups to become an integral part of their communities by actively participating in the upkeep of these GSI facilities. Our current pilot project can be found at intersection of Purissima St and Correas St, between Church St and Main St. by the Half Moon Bay Library which include 6 bioswales.

If you are interested in volunteering with future efforts, signup for our e-newsletter below and make sure to select the “Green Streets Stewardship Program” under the Interests section.

Stewardship of the GSI facilities in this program are being overseen in partnership with local municipalities and a  dedicated group of Master Gardeners from the University of California Cooperative Extension San Mateo/San Francisco Counties. 

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About Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Rain that falls over an urban area passes over impervious surfaces such as rooftops and pavement and picks up pollutants (sediment, motor oil, pesticides, and fertilizers). The pollutants carried in this water can then flow into larger bodies of water, like San Mateo County creeks, the San Francisco Bay, and Pacific Ocean. 

A cost-effective and resilient approach to this issue is green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). It involves capturing, storing, and treating rainwater where it falls, using special soils and plants that filter, absorb and evapotranspire water, mimicking a more natural water cycle. 

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